De zonas chic, metrosexuales y nipones
Noche de picada en Jackie O (el mismÃsimo sitio donde và por primera vez al Chuchi tocar) de Las Cañitas con mi buena amiga Lu, su novio Luis y el amigo de éste Nori, quien se autodefine como 'un metrosexual' o 'el Richard Gere de los japoneses'. Tengo que decir más?
7 Comentarios:
SÃ, claro. Como que entendiste toooodo lo que escribÃ...
*BaRbI*, A la/s
4:13 p. m.
Girls Prowl Chatrooms, Offer Themselves as Buaya Baits
SHE prowls Internet chatrooms looking for lovers. Her modus operandi is simple: I'm available.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
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Anónimo, A la/s
4:33 p. m.
El usuario anónimo la tiene re clara. Coincido con él
Anónimo, A la/s
4:51 p. m.
Hi there, just jumping around the blogs looking for some ideas to improve my blog and landed on yours. I like the way you have laid it out. It has given me some good ideas, thanks. My blog isn’t up to much but I have a really good affirmations site. (It helps people achieve their Dreams). Check it out if you get the time :-) Anyway keep up the good work and I’ll try and get back here soon. Have a really good day.
Anónimo, A la/s
6:13 p. m.
Across the Sound Podcast #2
Joseph Jaffe and I have posted our second Across the Sound podcast. Recorded Saturday, September 10 45 minutes, 15 seconds Audio feedback: or dial 1-360-365-9834 and leave a voicemail.
A most interesting blog and a great read! I’ve added it to my bookmark!
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Anónimo, A la/s
6:38 p. m.
Parece que el usuario anónimo sabe de todo.
BTW lo de "el Richard Gere de los Japoneses" MORTAL!!!! todavia me estoy riendo a carcajadas!
Anónimo, A la/s
2:24 p. m.
Me quiero matar! Me spamearon el blog! :'(
*BaRbI*, A la/s
10:28 p. m.
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